The Wound Solution:

Advanced Wound Care Solutions

No Upfront Cost

Multiple Allografts to Choose From

In the ever-changing world of Medicare-Approved products, we have made a decision to carry multiple allografts so that our clinicians have options to choose from.  DNACORP only offers Medicare-approved allografts.  Your representative will go through your options on a call. Once you've decided which allografts you want to move forward with they will email the paperwork to you and we will schedule your training calls.

Remember - there is no upfront cost to you or your practice.

3rd-Party Billing

We understand the importance of submitting the claims accurately the first time.  The billing company that we work with specializes in wound care claims.  It is not a requirement that you use them however we do recommend that you consider using them for either wound care only claims or for all of your claims.

3D Wound Measuring and Analyzing

Designed for use on mobile devices, this digital technology employs AI and computer vision to capture and analyze wound renderings. Obtaining high-quality data for assessment and monitoring is as easy as taking a photo with a phone or tablet. 

Customer Support

We are here to help you and your practice.  Our offerings extend far beyond wound care solutions. Your Representative can go through some additional solutions to consider to help improve your patients' care.